
Press Coverage Tag

In the modern world of social media, the traditional media appears fair game for the masses, probably more so than ever. In the past week or so media bashing has been more prevalent than ever before, as many of the public have blamed newspapers and traditional broadcasters for whipping the nation into a frenzy and causing the petrol shortage. This blaming of the media is nothing new, it’s always existed, and journalists are never popular, generally following politicians...

The past few months, as we are all aware, has had a hugely negative effect on millions of us. The media is no exception. As advertising revenue has diminished UK news publications have been hit hard, with the Press Gazette estimating, just under three months ago, that more than 2,000 jobs at news organisations are in severe jeopardy. Illustrating this perfectly is the BBC's estimate that £125m will be lost in revenue as the pandemic continues to cause...

With the health crisis surrounding Coronavirus developing constantly, we wish to advise that PressPlugs remains fully operational, whilst adhering to all government advice. Currently, we have a full contingency of staff who are all working from home.  We are also asking that they adhere to the hygiene standards outlined by the NHS and Government. With the message to stay at home, socially isolate, and keep a safe distance away, we have the capability to conduct meetings by telephone...

All the best stories that make the news have the common ability to be remembered. They grab the attention, if only for a short while, but whatever the tale they offer something a little different to the reader. If you’re crafting a story to send to the media, then think about who you are aiming it at. The story should only go to an audience likely to be interested, otherwise it will be considered spam - so check...

If you are just starting your business, expanding it or launching a new product, you want to tell as many people as possible. The more people who know about your business, the better chance it has at success. While you could spend thousands marketing your business and creating effective ad campaigns to reach more potential customers, your budget might not allow it. This is where the press comes in very useful as it doesn’t cost very much...