
Why Public Relations is the new rocket fuel in the race to the top of Google

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Why Public Relations is the new rocket fuel in the race to the top of Google

The importance of backlinks when it comes to being found on Google and other search engines is gaining greater importance than ever in the new online world.

Many businesses are now cottoning on to the fact that PR articles from third parties are a major part of their strategies to raise the profile of their business in the mysterious place that is the World Wide Web.

It has, of course, played a role for many years, but with Google’s algorithms now much more aligned to actual content that people want to read and delivering search results that are more aligned to what those on keyboards are looking for, it seems the way of being found on the net is beginning to have a much more human feel.

Backlinks, otherwise known as incoming hyperlinks pointing back to a site, are vital, but what is even more important is the reputation of the site the links are coming from.

This is the reason why PR is more important than ever.

Without trying to get too technical, search engines take a while to notice websites and then have many, many different things they call spiders crawling around trying to ascertain if a site is trustworthy. It means that established sites rank higher.

Say, for instance, The Telegraph ran an article about how your new cake shop was revolutionising the baking industry, the effect of the power of the endorsement of The Telegraph, would not only affect those many thousands who read about your business, but also promote you in search engines when people look for your services without being directed through The Telegraph.

The sound reputation of a national news organisation is seen as them saying your cake shop has credibility, so Google, etc all take note and give you a promotion to a new online tier.

It is a huge, ‘win-win’ for organisations who use PR as part of their marketing mix as it is seen as one of the more transparent ways to get algorithms to work in the favour of businesses.

It goes without saying that the mysteries of (SEO) search engine optimisation will always continue to be something that the huge majority will find a subject as complex as brain surgery. However, it is safe to say that even if you don’t have the time, mental aptitude, or eye-watering budget to ensure the very best of search engine optimisation, backlinks is at least a solid step to put you ahead of many competitors.

We wish you luck with your PR efforts and if you need a helping hand, get in touch